OR management
Intelligent operating room management platform provides medical personal with the most convenient solution for operating room management. Remote operating room and vital sign monitoring allows medical staff to grasp the status of the operating room and patients without rushing around. Operating room data is automatically collected and presented, providing managers with the best data platform to identify the key points for optimizing the operating process.

Accurately monitoring the number of cases and trends in surgical time for each operating room
Our performance management analysis for operating rooms is based on accumulated digital assets. By comparing and analyzing data trends such as case volume and surgical time, and cross-checking with related reports generated by HIS, our system provides insights to optimize the surgical process for managers.
Remote Viewing of Surgeries
Physicians, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other medical staff can use mobile phones, computers, and iPads to view the process and status of surgeries beyond the limitations of physical location. They can also monitor the status of surgeries at any time, reducing the wasted time between surgeries. This system allows doctors and nurses to make proper arrangements before the next surgery conveniently.

Remote Physiological Monitoring
Medical staff can remotely monitor patients' physiological parameters whether they are in the operating room, office, or ambulance, enabling the medical team to instantly grasp the patient's physiological condition at any time.
Supporting API Protocol
By supporting API, the information technology department can quickly access the complete surgical images/videos and information. Whether developing information panels, AI analysis, or other related applications, the smart surgery room management platform provides unlimited possibilities for development.